Category: Design, Copy & Creativity

The science behind the craft of copywriting

Psychology, behavioural science, journalism and data analysis are just some of the modern techniques used to create effective copy. It’s powerful stuff. And the simple fact is that well-written words will only take you some of the way; copy that’s infused with customer insight is where the conversions are. It will boost engagement, create brand… Read more »

How can businesses recover post-pandemic? 

creative agency

Now that we have certainty about the next steps for reopening, we wanted to find out what the outlook was likely to be like for businesses and what they should be doing now to make sure they emerge from this current situation in a stronger financial position. We spoke to two clients, both growth specialist… Read more »

Right idea, wrong angle?

When it comes to content marketing, every organisation should be brimming with enough quality content to fuel a multi-channel campaign for months. The trick is knowing how to frame it…  As a business, you’ll have an idea of the messages you want to get across in your content marketing. You’ll doubtless want to talk about your USPs, your… Read more »

Anatomy of a marketing campaign: execution

In our last blog, we revealed a lesser-explored secret: a focussed marketing campaign rocks hard (and can secure very healthy returns). So if your brain has been itching with intrigue ever since our Campaign Against Quiet Months, join us as we explain exactly how to make the magic happen. It’s all in the planning As… Read more »

Anatomy of a marketing campaign: strategy

brand strategy

Want to reinvigorate your inbound enquiries? Here’s part one of our essential guide to mounting a marketing campaign that will turn your fortunes around. Do a quick Google for the most popular marketing campaigns and you’ll likely remind yourself of some forgotten favourites. How about Always with their image-impacting campaign #likeagirl? Or Greggs with their… Read more »

Are you talking your students’ language?

A well-defined Brand Voice can help business schools and universities distinguish themselves in a competitive market. As an agency, we work with a number of internationally-focussed universities and business schools, and while we’d like to think it’s because of our dazzling personalities, it’s almost certainly down to our focus on Brand Voice and on putting… Read more »

Our latest podcast

content marketing

Want to know how to make the most of a single piece of content? Our creative director explains how to turn a single zoom call into 30 brilliant brand assets…

Struggling to stand out? Sharpen your creative edge

graphic design

  Businesses don’t need to be as innovative as Apple to succeed, they just need to outgun the competition. There’s an old joke about two men in the woods who stumble upon a very angry looking bear. Gingerly, one of the men reaches into his backpack and slowly replaces the boots he’d been wearing with… Read more »

10 lovely pieces of design and marketing to come out of 2020

brand marketing

  It’s not been a great year in plenty of ways, but it’s certainly not been a write-off when it comes to design and marketing. Here’s our roundup of this year’s very best examples of commercial creativity. Cadbury rebrand Featuring a revised wordmark, typography and ‘glass and a half’ logo, this is an updated brand… Read more »