Our new designer literally can’t wait to get things moving

3 minute read

Award-winning visual craftsperson Alice has joined the SIM7 team and brought skills that extend far beyond a talent for design.

With bigger, more varied and more demanding client projects rolling in, we needed a brilliant designer with what it takes to visualise any brief. Luck shined; we found one. And design is just one of her many creative talents.

“It’s amazing to have joined an agency with a real flair for making fantastic looking work”, Alice says, “especially at such an exciting time of company growth.”

Building on a passion

Alice’s creative journey began with a childhood love of art, which she nurtured at school and eventually led her to study illustration at university. But soon after graduation she discovered graphic design had a stronger professional pull.

“It’s a tough game, especially when you’re starting out. After a few years of juggling illustration with other gigs, I decided I’d rather do a creative job all day. That led me to design. And after studying a course, I was quickly able to reapply the visual skills I’d been building up for years.”

Onwards and upwards

Switching disciplines also led to changing cities. Alice landed her first design job in Manchester, where she worked for a branding agency. Her tasks included brand identity and guideline creation, logo design, print and web design, packaging, and storyboarding. Her passion for her new profession grew and grew.

“You know what? Design is just a fun thing to be absorbed in. It surrounds us everywhere we go, and when you start viewing the world with a designer’s eye, anything – anything at all – has the potential to become a well-spring of inspiration.”

A foray into freelancing followed, during which she produced graphics for several branding agencies, and ended with joining a financial tech start-up. It was there that Alice got her first taste of working in animation.

Bringing images to life

One online animation course led to more and more. As Alice’s skills developed her passion bloomed, until eventually, she made up her mind – she wanted to enrol on an animation MA. That decision brought her down to Bristol, a city she’d wanted to move to for a long time, and a ‘eureka!’ realisation about the interconnectedness of her creative disciplines of choice.

“I was basically doing all the things I’d been doing already and learning how to make them move. Think of a Venn diagram – studying illustration, design and animation has allowed me to see the overlaps and find the big golden spot in the middle.”

For her final MA project film, Alice decided to make an advert for a made-up cult. It’s scooped two awards and counting.

A new chapter begins

So what drew Alice to SIM7?

“I noticed that they make really nice-looking work. And as a designer, priority number one is getting to make beautiful visuals. So that was the first big tick. Then of course I had my interview and everyone was lovely. What more could I ask for?”

Creative Director, Simeon de la Torre is just as delighted:

“It’s great to have an experienced designer on board who’s worked across loads of industries and has such an impressive range of stings to her creative bow. She’s really keen to get things moving. Literally.”

If you’d like to connect with Alice head over to LinkedIn or follow our company page.