Category: Design, Copy & Creativity

Brand purpose positioning: what it is and why you need it

brand positioning

Mindful business practices are the future of successful brands, but conveying your commitment takes skill if it’s going to be accepted as authentic. Here are the key points to consider. Considering today’s social, environmental and economic climate, consumers expect brands to positively impact the world in which they’re trading, rather than ‘profiting from creating problems… Read more »

Psy-ops explained – a guide to cognitive bias in marketing

creative agency

Ever wondered how using psychology could supercharge your marketing? Let’s talk about heuristics. Heuristics are mental short-cuts or cognitive biases that help us to stay sane in a world that’s saturated with information. They reduce the amount of thinking we have to do when we’re making decisions, and being aware of how to leverage them… Read more »

What it means to be an ethical business

brand strategy

Ethical consumer spending in the UK has grown dramatically. But could you claim that your company is trading ethically in your marketing? Here’s the lowdown. Put simply, ethical businesses apply decent values to their everyday business practices. It’s about moral duty, contribution and obligation, and it covers everything from the behaviour of individuals through to… Read more »

How to create the perfect landing page

landing page design

Earlier this year, we crash tested over 50 different landing pages to find out what really works when it comes to design, copy and CTA positioning. Here’s what we discovered. First things first: different people call them different things, but we define a landing page as a standalone (possibly ‘hidden’) web page that is designed… Read more »

Humour in marketing is a serious business

Consumers have got a lot of worldly worries the moment, so as a business, the smart move could be to add a touch of levity to your marketing. Here’s how to use humour to make valuable connections – without offending your audience or damaging your brand. Earlier this month, the train company Lumo launched a… Read more »

For the love of letters

With rising postage costs, many marketers may dismiss Direct Mail as too expensive an option. But innovations such as AR, NFCs and interactive technology make mailouts more powerful than ever. We get it: Direct Mail sounds boring. It’s the ‘old guard’ of marketing; a throwback to the 1950s. But letters can hit harder than they’ve… Read more »

Elevate your in-house copywriting

Marketing budgets can only stretch so far and, when difficult decisions have to be made, copywriting is often the task that gets delegated to the in-house marketing team. So here are seven pro copywriting tips for academic marketers. (As a creative agency that champions messaging, this makes us feel sad inside because we know that… Read more »

Is your business more sustainable than you think?

brand strategy

Sustainability and ESG is not just about the environment. It’s about equality, community, governance and much more. But are you aware of the valuable progress you may already be making? We’ve collated a list of 12 ‘quick wins’ that count when it comes to assessing your impact.   How extensive is your recycling? 1/4 of… Read more »

How to share your sustainability story

As a business, sustainability and ESG will be on your agenda. You’ll of course publish reports and perhaps even create brochures dedicated to your policies and progress. But are you sharing your story as effectively and creatively as possible? And how else can you tell the world about your valuable efforts without taking the life out of it?   As we all know,… Read more »

An insider’s guide to branding for scaleups

Developing a brand to withstand the rigours of fast-growth and to establish a leading market position takes verve, nerve and skill. But where should you direct your energy and investment? Here’s our branding for scaleups five-step checklist. Most entrepreneurs enjoy launching their companies and the process of creating a name, a brand and a fledgeling… Read more »